Check-in information / Informazioni per il Check-in

Address / Indirizzo: Via Marconi 46, Filettole, Vecchiano, Pisa 56019 

GPS: 43.815644 , 10.404970

Public transport  / Trasporto pubblico

·Bus stop " Via Gambacorti "  50 metres away from the house / Fermata autobus "Via Gambacorti"
·Train station 1km away / Stazione ferroviaria a 1km: "Fs RIPAFRATTA" 
·Car recommended / Auto consigliata 

How to reach my house by bus ? 

Take the bus 80 from the bus station which is close to the main train station of Pisa ( Pisa Centrale ). 

The stop is : "via Gambacorti", 3 minutes' walking from my house.

It takes about 30 minutes to reach the bus station of Pisa. 

How to reach my house by train ? 

Take the train to Lucca from the main train station of Pisa (Pisa Centrale).

The stop is : Ripafratta, 20 minutes' walking from my house.

It takes about12 minutes to reach PISA CENTRALE.

From the airport of Pisa /

Dall'aeroporto di Pisa

From the train station of Pisa /

Dalla stazione dei treni di Pisa

From and to the nearest high way  /

Da e verso il più vicino casello autostradale



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